Ceramishield Ceramic Sealant is an exciting new evolution in paint protection products.

Exhibiting an extremely durable colour enhancing gloss which protects exterior surfaces including paint, glass, metal, stainless steel, wheels, gel coat, and plastic composites.

Ceramishield is a semi-permanent coating that actually becomes the functional surface of your vehicle’s paintwork.

By creating an inseparable bond on a molecular level with your paintwork you get a coating that cannot be washed off like a wax or sealant.

Ceramishield acts as a second layer of clear coat which provides increased protection against the elements.

This new clear coating is glossier, chemical resistant, and harder than the original clear coat.

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Providing incredible protection against minor scratches, swirl marks, acid rain, bird droppings, and harmful UV rays.

Ceramishield is not a typical wax or sealant which only forms a sacrificial shield of protection, instead it bonds into your paintwork creating a semi-permanent glossy shell over the surface making an easy to clean barrier against the elements.

Regular washing is the only maintenance needed to keep your vehicle looking fantastic! The coating can even be waxed or sealed over with your favourite product to intensify the gloss.

Ceramishield can be applied to the entire exterior of your vehicle (except rubber and soft plastic) and performs exceptionally well on alloy wheels and glass.

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Ceramishield is only available through approved retailers, dealerships and detailers accross the UK.