Classifieds Rules and Advice
(Last Updated 7th July 2012)

This forum is for non-commercial (unless approved as an authorised trader, see below) private sales for forum members. By using this classifieds, takes no responsibility for any transactions being made between seller and buyer whether made on or off the forums.

No commercial or trader advertising is allowed unless authorised by a member of our Admin team, please use the forum Private Messaging system or email at for commercial or trader authorisation.

Classifieds Rules

  • takes no responsibility for any transactions being made between seller and buyer whether made on or off the forums.
  • All adverts must have an asking price.
  • Nothing that you post for sale must be illegal under UK law.
  • Vehicles, or items intended for use on vehicles must be fully legal for use on the road and must adhere to all UK laws unless its lack of legality is CLEARLY stated in the advertisement in good clear text of normal or larger font size. I.E: For off road use only, track use only, show use only etc.
  • All posts and threads within this forum must only contain information pertaining to the advertising of goods, or the request for information about such goods.
  • Poor conduct and bad language from either buyer or seller in public or private will not be tolerated.
  • Auctions, raffles, gambling or selling items via a competition is not allowed.
  • Members should not offer goods on behalf of a third party. Any such threads will be deleted.
  • Limit thread 'Bumping', consider other forum members.
  • Avoid creating duplicate threads.
  • If you cannot find your thread, please search the site for threads you created. OR you can also use automatic subscriptions to keep track of your threads or search using 'advanced' search for threads created by your user name.
  • Avoid creating lots of separate threads for individual parts.
  • Compiling parts together in one thread allows fairer chances of other members threads staying on the top page and less forum clutter.

Fraud/Scamming Advice

Members are advised to be aware of unscrupulous people using the market place. And therefore must take personal safeguards to minimise the risk of becoming a victim. These include:

  • Sellers should pay extra caution when selling to new members.
  • Ask for an actual picture of the item if not already posted, sellers using 'stock' images could increase risks of buyers being scammed.
  • NEVER use the gift option on Paypal transactions, you may avoid fees, but you will be unable to make a claim for refunds.
  • Get a tracking number and use insured delivery for valuable goods.
  • Beware of delaying tactics used to clear Paypal funds, this can be 21 days to empty funds and 45 days to lodge a claim dispute.
  • If an item appears to be too good or cheap to be true, it often is.
  • Check a user's past and feedback; MG enthusiasts will regularly post and interact outside of the sales areas, high post counts and good previous sales feedback helps to reduce risk.
  • Report threads and posts that appear fraudulent.
  • If you are a victim of fraud or scamming, contact the police and get legal advice.
  • does not condone unlawful or violent activities against scammers.

Advice On Creating a Good Advert

Some hint and tips on creating a good advert:

  • Use clear English and avoid slang or hard to read abbreviations.
  • Keep the ad specific and to the point, this included thread titles.
  • Set a clear price as per forums rules.
  • Include photos of the actual item, this will greatly increase interest.
  • State CLEARLY whether the item is available for postage (with the price) or local pick up only (and state general location of item).
  • Keep your threads updated, if the item is sold please mark it as sold.
  • State a clear description of them item and its condition.

Be safe and sensible and this should result in positive transactions over the forums -